Tag Archives: speed limit

Traffic Limit on Linux

On the Unix-like operating systems the user can choose from many advanced tools to control the network. My opinion is that these tools are too advanced (for an everyday user – no programmers, admins, hackers 🙂 ) – so after some searching I’ve found a little script what can be easily modified and executed to limit the network speed.
Grab this script from http://lartc.org/wondershaper/. Extract it, then with your favorite text editor open the script called wshaper. Intuitively, these lines:


are indicating the upload, download speed (in kilobits!), and the network interface. After modifying these parameters you need to comment out the following two lines:

echo Please read the documentation in ‘README’ first :-\)

by adding the # sign to the beginning of these lines. Save your script. Open the console window and navigate to the directory which contains the script wshaper, get root powers with


and execute the script:

sh wshaper


A little speedup.
Use command line for every action. Command line is x10 faster then any GUI application. It’s easy to learn and use. Use the edit command for editing the wshaper script (assuming the you can navigate in console with cd command):

edit wshaper

. When the editor loads the script with arrow-keys navigate to the lines what you want to modify. Press A – now you can write into the text – and modify the values. To save, press the : key (SHIFT + ;) and type:

save wshaper

. Use the same commands to execute the script:

sh wshaper
